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Book launch: A (Female) Student’s Guide to Purity in a Porn-Saturated Culture


Biblical Counselling UK

With Helen Thorne-Allenson’s latest small book launching this month, we thought we’d catch up with her to ask a little about this new resource for young women, their churches and their families.

What’s your latest book about?

A (female) student’s guide to purity in a porn saturated culture is a very short book with a very long title! It’s part of the Track series from Christian Focus – produced in association with Reformed Youth Ministries – and is written for teenage girls and young women. It aims to help them think through what pornography is, why it might appeal (to them or their friends) and see how Jesus is so much better.

It doesn’t assume that all young women will want to watch pornography – but nor does it assume that they haven’t already watched – it simply looks at its prevalence in society today, the ways it can ensnare and offers a path of hope. And along the way, it provides plenty of practical tips for how to move away from porn / stay away from porn and revel in the beauty of Christ.

Why did you write it?

Three reasons. Firstly, and most simply, because I was asked to write it! Secondly, and relatedly, because there are loads of young women in our churches who are really confused about the issue of pornography. Some will have watched it and might be struggling with hidden shame. Some will have heard their male peers talk about it and are worried that, in the future, they will be expected to act in similar ways. Some have friends who are ensnared by it and they don’t know how to help. And, whilst there are plenty of resources for adults, there’s not that much around for teenage girls and younger women. I was keen to help break some of the silence that surrounds this topic and give young women a biblical, practical and accessible resource. But thirdly, I’m also conscious that loads of parents and youth workers are worried about this topic too. Providing a simple book that can be used as a basis for discussion seemed like a helpful resource to offer.

How do you hope the book will be used?  

It’s not just for those struggling (or those we know are struggling) – this book is designed to be read by all young women in our churches. Why? Because they, like those of us who might be older, live in a porn saturated culture. And, whether they are watching it or not, they will know people who are – and they will hear messages from the world about pornography that stand in stark contrast to the teachings of Christ. I’d love it if it could be given widely to our young women so they can begin to think about this complex topic and become better equipped to live for Christ in the 21st century. There are personal reflection questions at the end of each chapter which I hope will help with that.  

But I also hope it will be discussed in church groups, friendship groups and family groups. Pornography has its strongest grip on people’s lives when it’s not spoken about. People can avoid the topic through embarrassment, lack of awareness, shame or guilt but we need each other if we are to navigate the complexities of this world well. Of course, any discussion needs to be gentle and gracious – young women will only talk about this topic if it feels safe to do so – but I hope the book will help with this too. Throughout, it aims to model what it is to talk about pornography and purity in ways that are loving, kind, encouraging, and full of hope – never angry or putting people down.

So, what can we be praying?

Thank you. Please pray that young women will come to see just how wonderful Jesus is – as with all topics, we begin best when we lift our eyes to him well. Please pray that the teenage girls in our churches will come to see their identity and purpose in him, rather than being defined by culture or experiences. Pray that pornography’s lies will be better understood. Pray that our churches will become places where it is increasingly easy to bring questions and struggles about pornography – and to hear responses that are clear, faithful, kind, loving, helpful, and wise. Please pray that those ensnared by porn will, in time, come to know real freedom and those tempted will know the strength to persevere. And pray that this little book will play a small part in reaching those aims.

Where can we get hold of the book?

It’s available directly from Christian Focus, your local Christian bookshop, or all the usual online retailers. The RRP is £3.99 but there are some good discounts around for bulk purchases. I hope it is a blessing and encouragement to you – and those around you. As the book ends:

And we all, with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:18)


Biblical Counselling UK