Grieving with Hope – Edinburgh

20 April 2024
St Columba's Free Church


Audio and slides from the two main sessions of this regional conference are available on the links below.


Walking alongside those who mourn

When our friends and family face loss, we long to help them well but all too often we struggle to know how to respond. Our words can falter, we can say things that wound, and, in the end, we may find ourselves tempted to withdraw. But, in Jesus, there is hope – for those who mourn and for those who walk alongside! Join us at our regional conferences to look at how to support those who are grieving.

In the morning there will be two sessions:

Session 1: Understanding Loss

Through the story of Jesus and Lazarus (John 11), we will take a look at what loss is, why it hurts and our kingdom call to welcome sadness but resist despair.

Session 2: Supporting those who have lost

An opportunity for us to grow in Christ-honouring compassion, conversation and the capacity to sit with the sadness of others – a chance to look at how to listen and love people well.

In the afternoon, there will be a range of seminars to help us look in more detail at particular kinds of loss, opportunities to hear about helpful resources and biblical training – and a chance to ask questions to the speaker team. We look forward to seeing you there.